Posting fill in items later today.
Posting fill in items later today.
Here are the specifics on changing your race:
- There is a $25.00 USD charge for the Race Change.
- Race Changes are immediate after payment and the process is completed.
- Your home cities reputation and mounts will be switched.
- You can only Race Change to available race able to be your class.
- Race changes can be done every 3 days.
- You can change your name with a Race Change.
- You must be level 10 or above and level 60 or above if you are a Death Knight.
- You can change back to your original race but you will have to have the fee again.
There can be a few racial abilities that make changing your Shaman to one race or another but keep in mind Cataclysm is coming next year and all racials will be redone for the expansion. I love my Tauren but I love the Orc models and maybe a Troll would be pretty sexy. After playing my cow for years I think its time for a change, might even feel like I rerolled my Shaman!
The changes I would like to see introduced in 3.3 to address some of the issues we are facing right now fall into two categories. The first being what I consider easy and very realistic changes the second changes that will be more involved and might have to wait for Cataclysm.
Changes that should be made
- Ghost Wolf should become an insta cast baseline spell and should have the indoor restriction removed. Improved Ghost Wolf talent removed.
- Totem of Wrath buff moved to all fire totems when talented or in addition to current effects the totem will convert 10% of the shaman's intellect to spell power.
- Searing totem scale with the shamans haste.
- Elemental pets tethered the shaman and not the totems.
- Allowing fire totems to be thrown even if it is at a shorter range say 15-20 yards.
- I am not going to comment on some of the Resto changes that need to be made but the community has brought up some real concerns heading into Icecrown.
- Elemental needs a stun or at least a daze effect on Thunderstorm.
- Update totem effects so that we are not losing our class identity. Our totem buffs are being over run by other classes right now. I do like the direction they are going with our totems currently i.e. Cleansing Totem.
- Look at making Shaman Tanking a viable spec. Druids and Pallies can why not Shamans.
Fresh off the PTR patch notes:
Shaman Tier 9 4-Piece Set Bonus (Elemental): This set bonus now places a damage-over-time effect on the target when Lava Burst deals damage instead of increasing the size of the Lava Burst.
This will take some testing but it looks like a nerf for PvP to me.
Update: the current PTR build is: 20% burn over 6 seconds.
Update 10/26
2. The change should have very small if any PvE implications.
3. You should be upgrading to the Icecrown tier of gear "soon," which is why we made the change now.
4. We have some other ideas we're exploring to make PvE gear in PvP less attractive.
5. We are still evaluating the Elemental T10 set bonuses, especially the 2 piece.
Lead Systems Designer
This is response from GC when asked if the change was a nerf.
I would love some alliance screens since I play horde.

Phase 2 begins when the next boss timer expires whether Gormok is dead or not. In phase 2 you will face two giant jormungars Acidmaw and Dreadscale. Again positioning will depend upon where your tanks decide to set up but they should be facing them away from the raid. Try to position yourself within 25 yards from the tank on Dreadscale in case you get the toxin debuff from Acidmaw. Dreadscale's tank should have a debuff called Bile and you will be able to cleanse Acidmaw's toxin. Your raid should be focused on Acidmaw to start the fight. The same totems you used in Phase 1 apply here, try to lay them in between the bosses some where near the center of the arena. This phase the the real dps check of the encounter. If your raid does not have enough dps you will not be able to defeat the jormungars before Icehowl enters the arena. This phase will require the use of Bloodlust/Heroism to finish the dps burn. One tip you can apply to your raid is using BL/Heroism after they have burrowed one time. If you pop the spell then your raid should be able to burn down Acidmaw right before they burrow again. If successful when Dreadscale comes back up he will not enrage making this phase much easier on your healers and tanks. Continue the dps race on Dreadscale and you should have him down before phase 3 starts and Icehowl enters the arena.
Hopefully things have gone smoothly and your raid is ready to take on Icehowl. In phase 3 your role is pure dps as you and the raid will be up against the enrage timer. The most important thing you should be paying attention to is positioning as clumping together with other ranged will ruin you dps when Icehowl does his Artic Breath spell that will freeze you and you will not be able to dps during the effect. During phase 3 Icehowl will perform a move called Massive Crash blowing you backwards into the wall at the edge of the arena stunning you for a few seconds while you take massive damage. Hopefully you are topped off as it normally hits my shaman for 18,000 damage. If I am still feeling the effect of Artic Breath a well timed healthstone before Massive Crash my be the only thing that saves me. Once he has knocked the hell out of you he will pick a target to charge. If his target does not move out of the way before he gets to them he will enrage and probably wipe your raid. If he misses Icehowl will become dazed and take an additional 100% damage for 15 seconds. Remember that enrage timer this is what phase 3 is all about, burn him with every cooldown you have. It is also important to drop your totems in range of your fellow raiders so they can take advantage of your utility and increase their dps. After a couple of charges Icehowl should be down and your raid can enjoy their new shinny epics.
Reincarnation: The cooldown on this spell has been lowered from 60 minutes down to 30 minutes (Improved Reincarnation will continue to lower the cooldown by 7/15 minutes).
Improved Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Improved Fire Nova. This talent now provides an additional 10/20% damage to the spell and reduces the cooldown by 2/4 seconds
Fire Nova - now Causes the shaman's active Fire totem to emit a wave of flames, inflicting 893 to 997 Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards of the totem.
Elemental Reach now affects Fire Nova.
Improved Fire Nova - now Increases the damage done by your Fire Nova by 20% and reduces the cooldown by 2/4 sec.
Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock, Flame Shock, Searing Totem, Frost Shock, Stoneclaw Totem, Magma Totem had the mana cost of their lower ranks reduced.
Earth Elemental Totem: The cooldown for this totem has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Fire Elemental Totem: The cooldown for this totem has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Race Changes
Orc, Dwarf and Troll shamans now have their own unique totem art.
Here is a video of the New Fire Nova Spell in action brought to us by Pandamonium. If you have not seen his elemental shaman videos on youtube you can check them out here.
Tier 10 Elemental Relic
The periodic damage from your Flame Shock spell grants 44 haste rating for 30 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. (Old - Your Earth Shock, Flame Shock, and Frost Shock spells grant 73 haste rating for 30 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.)
Leatherworking: Elemental Gear Patterns
Pattern: Earthsoul Boots
Pattern: Lightning-infused Leggings
Tier 10 Images and Video
So now that Elemental Shamans have received some buffs to our spec in the last patch and some future buffs coming in 3.3 according to the PTR notes, I wanted to ask my fellow shamans how do they feel about the current state of our class/spec?
Do you like the changes to the rotation, glyphs, or spells?
Do you feel blizzard has us going in the right direction?
Is the elemental shaman still a viable raider or should another class be taken instead?
I am going to save my opinions until I receive some feedback on these topics.